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CryptoStats is mostly known for how we visualize data in simple and useful info sites like or As a matter of fact, we have 7 sites that are racking up close to a million views a year.
There is a difference between what a dapp generates and what the chain does. Great for jpg. I hope there is a robust NFT ecosystem for him and he makes a ton $$$. Check out It's a usable reference site
— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) August 9, 2022
We can visualize the buy-side demand for blockspace with People are paying real money in fees to store things on chain, just like they paid for bandwidth.
— Balaji (@balajis) January 8, 2022
These fees are analogous to *revenue* for each L1 chain, and give some basis for coin valuation.
There are many crypto protocols that have meaningful cash flows. Ethereum generated $31M in fees yesterday. As with SaaS in the early years, the market is trying to predict growth of those cash flows.
— cdixon.eth (@cdixon) December 23, 2021
Needs to get under $0.05 to be truly acceptable imo. But we're definitely making great progress, and even proto-danksharding may be enough to get us there for a while!
— vitalik.eth (@VitalikButerin) May 3, 2022
Each of our info sites have a simple centered format with a footer area that will be available for sponsors to use for promotion. Instead of having sponsors buy placements on each individual site, we will sell our advertisements on a rotation system where sponsors can purchase 33% of the time on the sites in units of one month.
This means that if you bought one unit for one month, your placement would be shown on all sites 33% of the time, and other sponsors can come in and purchase the rest of the units having their placement shown as well.
Ads have a floor price and go to the highest bidder. When slots have been purchased, they show up in our sponsorship calendar.
CryptoStats aims to be a neutral source of truth for crypto metrics, that is our aim above all else. To ensure that is always the case, we are using the following principles to determine what funding sources we are willing to accept and not:
All our sponsors can be found here, and feedback can be made in our community forum.
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